The 22nd Vietnam Fun Cup (Mini)
With the current global travel issues we were very concerned that this could cause a problem for what has become a land mark event in Mui Ne’ s sporting calendar. With careful planning we were happy to announce Jibes Beach Club would go ahead with all the fun and excitement that is ‘The Vietnam Fun Cup’ 22nd edition.
This year we set up a slightly smaller course which would be better suited to the days events, needless to say we still made sure that all competitors were pushed to their limits, as is our tradition. Even though a lot of our international windsurfers were not able to join this event we still had a great mix of nationalities Vietnam, Great Britain, Italy, America, Thailand and Russia.

Just past mid day saw the green flags lifted to signal the start. A beach start was the order from Race Director (Janot) proving extra challenging due to the morning lighter winds. Competitors took it in their stride heading out to work their way to the first buoy jibe. Mr Tu (VN) headed the pack for the men with Paul Ikin (Uk)and Gianni Capulli (Italy) biting hard at his heels. Meanwhile Mrs Chi (VN) was riding in her usual style, not only leading for the girls but also keeping ahead of most in the men’s pack. This year we saw Daria (RU) putting pressure on Chi (VN) not to make any mistakes for fear of losing her first place lead.
Although the first race started slightly under power the timing couldn’t have been better with winds hitting hard early on in the racing, Mui Ne winds are not for the faint of heart, those riders able to squeeze the most amount of power from their equipment whilst still keeping control would find themselves at the front of the pack.
As the days racing started to unfold we could see the higher level riders increase their point lead. Those further down the ranking still had to give it 110% if they wanted to secure their current places. Atikom (Thailand) demonstrated some excellent skills through out the day but unfortunately consistency is the key to this style of racing and this is where the higher level riders were able to increase their lead.
The high level racing continued throughout the day culminating in a total of 4 races all completed successfully. Mid day’s events we began to see the higher level riders lock in their positions with a surprise attack from Atikom in the final race. Unfortunately for Atikom’s push was left just a little too late as he just missed a place on the podium. A new rider and Jibes team member Gianni (Italy) pushed the limits through the entire event, his first Fun Cup event. We must take off our hats to Gianni for pushing not only himself but also keeping the pressure on all competitors.
As the last race came to completion tired faces stared to pack up their race gear as the evening prize giving and celebration party got under way. Once again our fabulous sponsors made sure the prize pot was large, meaning that every single competitor was able to walk away with a multitude of fantastic prizes. As the winners took their podium places all prizes were received with big smiles, competitors only wished they had an extra pair of hands to be able to take their winnings home with them.
Final Podium Places:
1st Truong Ky Tu (VN)
2nd Paul Ikin (UK)
3rd Gianni Capulli (ITL)Womens:
1st Tran Thi Kim Chi (VN)
2nd Daria Danilova (RUS)
The celebration carried on throughout the evening with all competitors and guests enjoying the fabulous array of exciting foods and drinks. Happy faces danced into the night reminiscing on another great Fun Cup Event.
Although this years event was a little different it also made it just that little bit extra special, so huge thanks and appreciation goes out to all those who joined the fun both competitors and supporters not to mention all the fabulous sponsors.
Next stop, The 23rd Fun Cup edition 21st and 22nd January 2022. Get your training started and we hope to see all our regular faces as well as many new ones.

Coca Cola
Le Fruit
Moonie’s Irish Bar
Chensea Resort
Sea Links
Tropical Mini Golf
Blue Ocean Resort
Mui Ne Hills
The Warehouse
Full Moon Village
Full Moon Beach
Jibes Beach Club
Papa Goulash
Phuong Nam Computer
Thai Spice Mui Ne
Hoang Khang Food